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Solar street light application

Solar street lights are becoming increasingly popularin many parts of the world due to their numerous benefits. These lights are powered by solar energy and are independent of thegrid system. They are environmentally friendly and are a cost-effective alterative to traditional street lights
he applicaton ofsolar steet iohis isvast and dverse.Thev ale usad inmanv dilerentselinos, incudno residental communies, commercal areas, and oubic soaces such as oarksand walkways. Below are some of the areas where solar street lights are commonly used
1. Residential streets
Solarstret iohts are an excelent choice for iluminatno residenial streels, They provde bioht ioht ensuino visibily and saiety for residens. Thev are aso enerov-elicient. whichmeans that they can help reduce electricity bills.
2.Commercial areas
Solar stret ighis are idealfor commercial areas such as parking lois and shopping centers.They provide bnght ight that emhances visibity and improves security. They are also costeffective since they do not require electricity from the grid.
3. Public spaces
Solarstretlighis are widely used in pubic spaces such as panks, pahways, and pubic squares. They are idealforiluminalng these areas,providing a safe and secure envronment forpeople to enjoy.
4. Rural areas
Solar stret ighis are also used in rral areas where there is no aces to electichy. Thev are panicuanv uselul in aleas where itis dicuto lav electical cables.They provide briohiight, ensuring visibility and security for residents
In concusion.the applcalon of solar steet iohts is vast and dverse. Thev are usedin many dierentselinos, incudino residenial communiies,.commerial areas.pubic soaces. andrral areas.They are environmental friendy, ostefecive, and provide biohtlioht.ensuing visibily and secuny With theincreasino need to reduce carbon emisions and mitlats

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